Medications have profoundly and positively changed health outcomes however they do generally come with some nutritional harms. By identifying and addressing the nutritional harms, optimal health outcomes are closer to being achieved. A Starter membership identifies nutritional harms in 50 preselected medicines.
There are 2 components relating to interactions between medications and nutrition –
- accessing the information.
The online platform Medications & Nutrition provides a comprehensive range of clinically-useful research evidence that is presented in a dot point format to improve accessibility to the latest research for busy clinicians. The alternative is to trawl through a plethora of journals to find the information – and that has a very high time cost which most clinicians cannot afford.
A Starter membership saves you all that research time for its 50 preselected medicines.
- presenting the findings in a clinically meaningful format.
Through trial and error, we have found that:
- a table is great for presenting summary information such side effects (nausea, vomiting, etc), nutrients affected (B12, Mg, Ca, Fe, etc), altered blood tests results, etc
- identifying individual impacts. For example, clozapine, doxepin and imipramine all negatively impact chromium sufficiently to decrease chromium status over time.
Ultimately this portal is about addressing both of the above identified components by providing resources to both easily accessible information and how to apply it in a clinically-meaningful format.
Are you an innovative clinician? Will you integrate pharmaconutrition into your daily clinical practice in order to improve outcomes in those whom you see? Are you interested in addressing a hidden form of mal-nutrition? A Starter membership assists you by providing relevant, easy-to-access information on 50 commonly prescribed medicines.